Last night we distributed 400 trading cards featuring Jeremy Schon and Alex Petropulos (200/ea) at the Pigeons Playing Ping Pong show in Asbury Park, NJ. The response was great! Tonight, we’ll distribute another 400 cards featuring Greg Ormont and Ben Carrey (200/ea). To score a card, come find us by the balcony bar (up one flight of stairs after you have your ticket scanned and enter the theatre). Look for anyone wearing a PT hat, shirt or lanyard. As an added bonus, if you show us on your phone that you’re following Phantasy Cards on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we’ll give you both cards. We’ll be there until Pigeons take the stage or the cards are gone. If there are any left when Pigeons start their show, we’ll hand them out during setbreak in the same location.

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